Science of kissing – why do we kiss

Humans have been locking lips for centuries to display affection and love. Discover what happens in our brain when we kiss and how the act of kissing evolved.

Why do people kiss?

What makes smooching so appealing and why does it send our brain into overdrive?

Why do human beings enjoy kissing?

The tantilising sensation of two sets of lips connecting is a way of showing affection and romantic intention. But despite kissing being encoded in our genes, human beings are the only animal species to engage in this behaviour. This is why scientists are still mystified about the reasons why we love to kiss each other.

What is clear is that our brains use a kiss to assess the other person’s suitability as a mate. Saliva is full of hormones and other chemicals that allow us to work out if this person would make a good partner.

5 effects of kissing on your body

Stimulating the nerve endings on your lips

The lips and tongue contain a huge number of nerve endings, which trigger signals to the receptors in the brain. This is what causes the lip sensitivity you experience when having a smooch.

Release of dopamine

When kissing, dopamine is released, which is responsible for feelings of euphoria and pleasure. It also has an addictive effect, which is why you might not want to stop locking lips.

Release of oxytocin

Oxytocin is another chemical produced when you’re having an intimate kiss. This is the chemical that stimulates feelings of attachment and affection towards the person you’re kissing and is the same hormone released when you breastfeed.

Release of serotonin

The final chemical of the trio released when you lock lips is serotonin. This helps to lift your mood and a lot of people believe it’s responsible for the ‘spark’ felt between two people – so if you can’t get your partner out of your head after a great kiss, that could be why.

A heightened bonding sensation

There’s no doubt about it – smooching enhances the emotional bond between two people and brings them closer together. This is due to the intimate touch and closeness providing a feeling of connectedness.

The evolution of kissing

Discover where kissing originated from and why good lip care is essential for smooth smooching.

How did kissing evolve?

It may surprise you, but scientists actually believe that the romantic kiss we know now evolved from kiss-feeding, a process in which mothers would feed their babies mouth-to-mouth. Although this may not sound very pleasant, it was a common practice for humans and is thought to have led to the affectionate kissing we know today. Keep that in mind next time you pucker up!

Lip care for kissable lips

Having soft and healthy-looking lips is an essential part of enjoying a good smooch. By using an effective lip balm like Labello Lip Balm Original regularly, your lips will be ready for a smooch whenever the fancy takes you.

5 reasons to use lip balm before you pucker up

  • Your lips will feel moisturised and supple, which will benefit the person you’re kissing too.
  • No more uncomfortable dry and flaky skin on the lips.
  • It forms a protective layer.
  • Your lips will look cared for, healthier and more kissable.
  • Friction is reduced for a more sensual lip-locking experience.

Why it’s important to take care of your lips

It’s not just the occasional smooch that our lips are responsible for, they also have to deal with eating, drinking and talking, so it’s no wonder they tend to get dry and chapped if not taken care of properly.

Keep your lips smooth and moisturised by using a lip balm like Labello Hydro Care. The pampering formula with shea butter provides protective care to keep lips soft and kissable.